Saturday 17 July 2010


We’re all things Rottweiler, lovingly dedicated to the protection and preservation of this wonderful breed.
American Rottweiler Puppy
The Official American Rottweiler Club Blog is great resource to learn all about Everything Rottweiler……………
From the history of the Rottweiler breed, Rottweilers in the news, Rottweiler heroes, Rottweiler Rescue, activities with your Rottweiler, and more!
If you own Rottweilers, or just love them - then this is the place to be. So make sure you add us to you list of favorite places!
Thanks for visiting the Official American Rottweiler Club Blog. Sign up & stay tuned for more great Rottweiler news - we’ll see you soon!
American Rottweiler - Kids Reading
This heartwarming story is from JODELLE GREINER, Lifestyles Editor at the Gainsville Daily Register (TX)………….
“When most people think of a therapy dog, they think of a small breed dog, something that will fit on your lap. They don’t think of a Rottweiler.
They don’t think of Turbo.
It may take a little getting used to, seeing this big Rottweiler trotting down the halls of Valley View Elementary with his owner, Pat Crawford by his side.
Kids get all excited, “Hi, Turbo!” “Turbo’s here!” and they change course to pet the dog’s head or wrap their arms around his neck for a long hug.
Turbo takes it all in stride. He doesn’t mind the kids crowding around, petting him or draping themselves across his back. The only one he really seems to take note of is Crawford herself. After she’s told Turbo to sit or lay down amongst the children and walks a few feet away to sit down, Turbo’s eyes stay glued to her, oblivious to the children vying for his attention.
Turbo and his friend Max, a black flat-coated retriever owned by Marli Vieira, visited Valley View Elementary on Tuesday for the last time until September. Turbo and Max, along with Honey, a Labrador retriever owned by Joe Seale, have been visiting the school since March and Susan Smith, principal of pre-kindergarten through fourth grade, is thrilled”.
To read the rest of the story - CLICK HERE!
American Rottweiler Loves Greeting
Meet Allie Tozzo Greco - a different kind of working dog!
Allie loves boating, fishing and when she’s not at the beach, Allie is busy working as a receptionist at a car dealership!
That’s right, Allie just loves to greet customers at the family car dealership, says Julie Tozzo, whose family owns Lynnes Nissan Subaru in
Stanhope, New Jersey.
Julie oversees sales operations for several of the family’s showrooms and Allie is often by her side.
Ten years ago Julie was in search of a Golden, but her husband brought home Allie instead.
“Thank God!”, says Julie, adding that having Allie come into her life was one of the best things that ever happened to her. Now Julie is a true fan of the breed, having developed a love and appreciation for the Rottweiler.
Since she was a puppy, the beloved Allie came to work everyday with her owners, meeting and greeting customers in the showroom. Customers adore meeting Allie!
In addition to her duties as a greeter, Allie also helps with company recycling efforts by shredding cardboard - another fun job!And at 10 years old, Julie says Allie has the energy of a puppy!
Imagine - a car dealership that’s not just dog friendly, but Rottie Friendly! Well, now we know where to shop!
Julie says of her Rottweiler, Allie, “I love her so much!” Julie - we couldn’t agree more Rottweilers are the best dogs on the planet!
The Rottweiler graces the cover of Dog World’s December 2007 issue, an event which only happens every 6-8 years. Fans take note - the American Rottweiler Club is featured prominently in the issue!
A Special Edition For Rottweilers! On Stands Now!
American Rottweiler Dog World
Do you have your copy yet? Don’t miss out on this special edition of Dog World!
Featured in the December “Meet The Breed” article are Joan Klem, ARC member and AKC judge, and Diane Garnett, President of the American Rottweiler Club, two Rottweiler experts and owners who share their extraordinary knowledge and love for the breed with Dog World. (See Pg. 21-25)
Resources For Rottweiler Owners
In this special edition, the American Rottweiler Club wanted to invite the public to learn more about the AKC Parent Club and our noble, timeless breed.
We wanted to share the history and mission of our organization by placing an ad in the magazine. (Look for our ad on Pages 80 and 81!)
Our ad provides readers with information and resources about owning a Rottweiler, and highlights Rottweilers in the special roles of working dogs, too - in activities such as Carting or Herding, or Agility, or in Search & Rescue , Law Enforcement, or as Therapy or Service dogs.
Some Friends Are Forever
Most of all, we want the world to know the Rottweiler as the loyal, bravehearted dogs we all know and love.
American Rottweiler Some Friends are Forever
The Rottweiler is your trustworthy friend, your loyal companion. Together, the bonds of a special and enduring friendship are formed.
We know that with a Rottweiler by our side on the Road Of Life, that Some Friends Are Forever.
PS - Pick up the December 2007 issue of Dog World at book stores or major pet supply retailers, or CLICK HERE to order it directly from the publisher, Bowtie, Inc.
You could say it’s magic. That’s just how things worked out this past September, when the American Rottweiler Club needed to do a photo shoot for an ad that would appear in the December issue of Dog World Magazine.
After all, the Rottweiler was going to be the cover dog in the December issue. And the America Rottweiler Club was in search of models for the ad. But where would America’s Next Top Model Rottweilers be found?
Why in North Jersey, of course!
The ARC photo shoot happened with a little help from our friends, Linda Berberich, an AKC Judge & Doreen Tietjen, owner of Pet A Groom salon in Ramsey, NJ.
American Rottweiler - Linda-Berberich and Doreen Tietjen
Linda and Doreen graciously responded to our call, and gave of their time and of course, provided the gorgeous Rottweilers for our photo shoot, for which we are soooo grateful!
Here are Linda, Doreen and two BEAUTIFUL PUPPIES! Thank you to both of these dedicated ARC members for helping to support this effort!
American Rottweiler - Linda Berberich and Doreen Tietjen
More puppies!
Varka Restaurant
Varka - one of New Jersey’s highest rated restautants helps out! They graciously provided their gardens for some of the shots!
Varka and Lindsay
Our “other” model with with owner of Varka!
American Rottweilers and Lindsay
American Rottweiler Surprise Kiss
SURPRISE! Our model get an unexpected kiss!
Rottweilers - Some Friends Are Forever!
American Rottweiler Kisses Lindsay
Look for the American Rottweiler Club ad featured in the December 2007 issue of Dog World Magazine, and learn why the American Rottweiler Club is taking a proactive postion in today’s Dog World!
The American Rottweiler Club is pleased to announce that late Friday afternoon, WWE’s SVP of Marketing, Gary Davis, confirmed that the John Cena shirt which portrayed the Rottweiler as “vicious” will be pulled from the marketplace.
“The Shirt Has Been Pulled From The Licensee” - Gary Davis, WWE SVP of Communications
American Rottweiler WWE Cena Shirt
The decision came following a barrage of letters from club members and dog lovers, including a formal letter American Rottweiler Club.
In that letter, ARC President, Diane Garnett, wrote, That the WWE is profiting by deliberately protraying a negative stereotype of the Rottweiler, damaging the reputation of this noble breed, and further fueling the wave of legislation banning Rottweilers from communities across the country is an affront to every loving and responsible Rottweiler owner in the country”.
The shirts were sold in national retail chain stores, including JC Penny and Kohl’s. (See image - Front of WWE shirt) under the WWE brand.
World Wrestling Entertainment licences it’s brand and images to thousands of retail vendors and partners, including the image from the John Cena shirt.
Mr. Davis said the images has been pulled from their licensee and will not be renewed.
You Did It! Thank You!
The American Rottweiler Club says Thank You! to all dog lovers that wrote to WWE in protest - you made it happen!
We’d like to thank Gary Davis and World Wrestling Entertainment for responding to our plea, and taking action to remove the offensive shirt from the marketplace.
Most importantly, the WWE heard that our goal is the protection and preservation of our beloved and noble breed, the Rottweiler, thanks to you.
If you’d like to commend the WWE for their positive actions, please send your letters to:
World Wrestling Entertainment
Vince McMahon, CEO
Gary Davis, SVP Communications
1241 E. Main St.
Stamford, CT 06902
Ph) 203 - 353-2890
Dino was a dog who made it impossible not to love her.
American Rottweiler Firefighter
Named for the famous cartoon dinosaur, Dino was a Rottweiler who belonged to my friends Rob and Nicholle, but she touched the lives of a much larger circle of people in Camden County - so much so that, when the difficult decision was made ……………..
on Sunday to put her down, many of those people dropped whatever they were doing in order to be there
Dino would have been 11 on Nov. 5. Over the last few weeks, she had been in and out of the vet’s office with health problems, from blindness to a bum leg. However, it was the vet’s discovery of a massive growth near her heart that prompted the decision to lay to her to rest.
Without a doubt, the hardest part about Dino’s death was that Rob, her devoted owner of more than 10 years, was unable to be there. You see, Rob is training in Mississippi with his Navy Seabee unit in preparation for a deployment to Iraq. All he could do was say goodbye to Dino through a cell phone, which Nicholle held to Dino’s ear at the vet’s office. Her eyes lit up when she heard the voice of her beloved “dad.”
Rob received Dino as a puppy from his ex-wife, Chris, and over the years Dino saw Rob through all of life’s ups and downs. Her favorite things to do were stick her head out the window on car rides and eat ice off the floor of the bay at the fire station, where Rob worked.
Dino quickly befriended the other firefighters, who always had a rolled up towel and a game of tug-of-war waiting when she came to the station. All the guys knew how much she meant to Rob.
Myself and the rest of Rob’s and Nicholle’s friends spent most of this week swapping stories about Dino; like the one about when she once accompanied Rob to the fire station.
One of Rob’s co-workers, Jason, had never met Dino until that day, and it just so happened that Rob and his partner got a call and had to leave Dino at the station just as Jason was arriving.
You really can’t blame Dino for “protecting” her fire station. She refused to let Jason into the building until he managed to crawl to the refrigerator and grab some bologna. She and Jason were good friends after that - as long as Jason kept feeding her bologna. Rob came back to the station to find Jason and Dino sitting on the couch, a steady stream of lunchmeat passing between them.
Other Dino stories were more poignant, like the one about how she got Nicholle over her childhood fear of big dogs. As a young girl, Nicholle attended Girl Scout meetings at a neighbor’s house. Each time she arrived, she was bowled over by the family’s four big dogs, and not surprisingly developed a fear of large canines.
Dino changed all that with her sweet personality. Nicholle said Dino always thought she was a lap dog, despite her 125-pound frame. Rottweilers often get a bad rap due to their fearsome look and natural protective instincts, but Dino was a walking PR campaign for the breed. She was smart, loyal and gentle, and got along well with Nicholle’s three cats, Moose, George and Misty.
They say all dogs go to Heaven. I am privileged to be able to say that I knew one of its newest angels.
(Emily Goodson is the assistant editor of the Tribune & Georgian and a regular Friday columnist.)

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